A couple weeks ago I saw that my handmade soap stash was getting low.

Now, if there is one thing that I just HAVE to buy handmade, its soap. High quality glycerin soap, or especially cold process made-the-old-fashioned-way soap is so much nicer than what I can buy in the grocery store!
So, I was searching on Etsy, and found a shop called Winter Rose Soap. The shop is small, but the soap sounded lovely, and the prices were amazing. I think I got eight bars. (My favorite is the Barry Beelicious Soap).
I got the package lightning fast, and the soaps smelled wonderfully good. I put bars around the house right away and began to use them. They were terrific!
After I left feedback, the shop owner contacted me, and thanked me for the feedback. I commented on how much I liked her soaps and how cute the hats were in her shop. She said she made Monster Hats for toddlers, and I asked for a price, but forgot to follow up on it.

Today, I got a big padded envelope in the mail, and in it were the cutest ever hats, including a little Mouse hat and an adorable pink monster hat that just fits my granddaughter!
There were also more soaps! I am so pleased, and my granddaughter put the pink hat on and is wearing it around the house because she loves it so much!
So, a huge THANK YOU! to Cathleen at Winter Rose Soap and Country Store on Etsy