The summer is winding up, but the harvest season is in full swing.
The farmer's markets where I sell, are brimming with great produce. My favorite market is in Beloit, Wisconsin on Saturday mornings. When I can, I get away from my booth and wander the three main aisles of the Y-shaped market. My booth is in the parking lot, or the tail of the Y.
In the other sections are produce vendors and crafts people from all over the stateline area.
I wandered around this last Saturday, and admired the huge variety of great food and items for sale.
On the intersection of the Y, there is music each week. Last week a harpist played.
My booth is fairly close to the raised music platform, and I get to hear the selections really well. Since the set is so long, (9 am to 12 pm) most of the musicians have repeated some of their selections.
For some reason nearly every musician has played
Eleanor Rigby. The only ones that didn't play it were a jazz quartet.
Eleanor Rigby has become an in-joke in our area, with groans and laughs each time it is played.
Apples are just starting, and so are pears. Zucchini are everywhere. Tomatoes are at their peak, and sweet corn is almost done. Watermelons and cantalope are just getting good, and last week I saw a few pumpkins. One vendor even had some delicata squash already!
Many produce vendors are also selling their beets and other root crops now. like a second crop of carrots, and the slow growing turnips.
As the days get cooler, broccoli will appear in the market again, and in October there will be greens again, pumpkins and brussels sprouts.
The farmer's markets have been a great ending to each of my summer's weeks. They allow me to get out and see people, and buy the produce I can't grow. I just love them!