A couple years ago, I was introduced to
Global Buckets, and experimented with making my own from found objects. It was a great way to extend my food planting out of my garden. I ended up giving away several that I started to interested neighbors. I also made a few pots that had reservoirs and wicking systems but they were so labor intensive that I never even tried to sell one. They also were as heavy as heck.

Then last winter I read about Window Farms for the first time. I was fascinated. If you don't know what window farms are,
check out this blog post. I looked at my windows in a whole new way! I started putting little potted plants with edibles in every sunny window that could hold them. The problem was that most of my window sills could only hold the smallest pots because of the way they were shaped, and the smallest pots didn't work well for many edible plants.

I started playing with pot shapes that would work well for windows and yet were deep enough for herbs and dwarf vegetables. I came up with a bag-like pot, made from thin slabs of stoneware clay, that was quite deep for its size. I planted the first ones I made, and they worked well. Mache', summer savory, malabar spinach, chamomile, mint, chives, spinach, nasturtiums, basil and most other herbs, and even a strawberry plant all work well in these.
They hold moisture fairly well, probably since the top opening is small.
Watering them is easiest if I use an ice cream bucket that is 2/3's full of water mixed with organic fertilizer. Just put the little pots in and let them sit for a second or two, and hold them over the bucket until they stop dripping. Then put the lid on the remaining water/fertilizer solution for the next watering.
If I lightly fertilize with each watering, my herbs grow very well in a sunny window, and they don't mind being cut back hard and often.
I am using all of my first batch of pots, but I just pulled a few more out of the kiln. So, if you want to buy one, please
look in my shop. They each come with a simple little drip catcher.
I will be listing some over the next couple of days.