This week has been a great one for my Etsy shop. First, a treasury I put together was featured on the launch page of Craftcult.

Ok, it showed up at 2:30 AM my time, but I am sure the folks in Australia loved it.
Next, one of my items was featured on the Mind Body Spirit Marketplace Fanpage and had a sidebar on their blog. (You can still see the hearth they featured- just scroll down a bit- and while you are there, give me a 'like'!)
Then a treasury one of my rock boxes was in was on the front page of yesterday at 10 am central time. I actually got to see it! So much fun!

To top it off, the weather finally got warm enough and dry enough for me to plant a few things in my garden. It has been sitting ready for days, but the weather hasn't cooperated. What a
wonderful, truly grounding way to finish the week. (sorry for the pun).
Because I have had such a great week, I think I should share the joy! Remember the steampunk and rabbit bowls from last week's post? Well, I think one of them would look nice at YOUR house, don't you?
Just leave a comment below before tomorrow, midnight central time. On Tuesday morning I will choose a commenter at random and they get the bowl of their choice.
In your comment tell my which
bowl you like if you win, and how to contact you (an etsy name, facebook, blog, or twitter).
Also, if anything good has happened to you lately, I would love to hear and share your joy too!
Congrats on being on the fp and curating a fp. That's awesome! I think both bowls are beautiful. I intend to give decals a try one of these days. I love your glaze combo with the decals very unique and different from what I have seen out there.
Shameless self promotion or a wonderful way to make someone's day?
Of course I love the steampunk bowl
Thats Katie Moore on FB
1) Congrats, those are really pretty.
2) The steampunk octopus one would make my day. ;) I'm cthulhuchick on Etsy & Twitter & gmail for that matter. :)
it ate my last comment.
Im LoveMeOrnamentals on etsy, gherkinmerkin on regretsy, and jessica hebert on facebook.
and to tell you the truth, i am entirely in lust with your entire shop. there isnt anything in there that i WOULDNT want displayed or used in my home somewhere.
with that in mind, its not surprising you were front page featured. its well deserved.
(and steampunk octopus FTW... though the bunny is pretty fab too.)
I love your rock boxes so much I'm going to buy one when I'm not poor (which might take a while)
But in any case, the rabbit bowl would make a perfect gift for a friend whose birthday I missed *hides head in shame* (I'm beadethical on etsy) :]
Oh, these are both so lovely. Tough to choose, but I'm thinking I would go with the steampunk one. I don't own a single steampunk item yet, and I need to keep up with the in crowd. ;)
I'm Happy Zoo on Etsy, and BatShitKrazyGlue on Regretsy.
Your work is very lovely!! I love the steampunk octopus. It would be a great thing to keep in my house and when I'm old tell my grandkids, "Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Regretsy, there lived a wicked princess named April..." lol
BTW I am jerrysizzlah on regretsy.
You really have had a great week! Congrats and here's to it becoming a good month!
Hi! Congratulations on all of your good tidings! Lately, I've made a bunch of new friends and made some sales thanks to the new April's Army team! If I were to win your giveaway, I am most fond of the rabbit bowl. It is very sweet, and I would use it and cherish it and never let my teenagers use it!
If I win, you can contact me at jvdarcy[at]
Congratulations on having such a splendid week! Your pieces are beyond wonderful. I would love and cherish that beautiful steampunk bowl forever and ever....
Octopi are my all consuming passion!
Your are a wonderful artist and person. All the good things coming your way are deserved because of your excellent art and hard work. Well done! Congrats! and I hope more blessings come your way!
These are great. I really like the way the decals look on the sepia toned glaze.
I'd be happy to have either if I were to win, but I think I'd prefer the rabbit one because we're about to maybe make an offer on a farm, crossing our fingers that the seller will accept the low price that we can afford. Perhaps if I win a prize with veggies and livestock on it, it'll be a stroke of good luck in the right direction. Right? Well, can't hurt...
I'm tallulahdahlin on Etsy, in case you need pralines or need to get in touch :)
Congratulations!! I love the bowls and your shop.
Congratulations! And if I win, I would loooove the bowl with the octopus.
OMG, wonderful job on those bowls!! Congrats on your amazing week. I'm sharing your shop on my FB profile for my friends. :)
I LOVE the octopus bowl! If, by some amazing miracle I actually win something in my life, I'll keep candy in it and yell at people when they try to take some.:)
Also, I'm nikkipook on etsy.
I can SO see that rabbit bowl joining my other clay treasures...
It sure would have a good home here ;)
Congrats on a great week! Steampunk all the way!
Hurrah for good weeks, I hope your fortune spreads out into the cosmic collective :) Hope the weather continues to delight and your growing things do well. That is definitely some fortune I need to borrow lol
And as a regretsian... steampunk, duh, winning.
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